The program is an investment advisory program with continuous and regular supervision of investments by WS Wealth Managers Inc. using the advanced brokerage custodian platform provided by FOLIOfn Investments.

Combinations of stocks, exchange traded funds (ETF's), Closed End Funds (CEF's), as well as limited fixed income securities and mutual funds are combined into "model" FOLIO's designed to accomplish specific investment objectives. Subcriptions to certain combinations of FOLIO's and periodic modifications are designed to provide for superior risk management and an efficient and optimized form of Dynamic Asset Allocation custom tailored to each investor.

A "typical" portfolio in the program, analyzed using Morningstar Office software indicates a high degree of diversification with 1500 equity and 500 fixed income holdings. This level of diversification is possible, even in smaller accounts, in part because of the ability of the FOLIOfn platform to trade fractional shares.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

WS Managed FOLIO Ranked #1 Again

The periodic publication, Money Manager Review has again ranked WS Wealth Managers Inc.'s WS Classically Defensive Managed FOLIO the overall BEST (#1) among "Balanced" Managers. The ranking covers the period of the last five years ending 06/30/2013.  It considers both Return and Risk metrics in the ranking.

In addition, 10 of the 15 WS Managed FOLIO's were ranked either #1, #2 or #3 among their respective categories for certain time periods.

Money Manager Review reports that it tracks 800-plus money managers. It's publication is available on a subscription basis in print and on-line.

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